
Integrate with Docker Auth

This sample demonstrates how to protect your docker registry by Speedle authorization engine.

Docker authorization plugin

Docker users can implement a docker authorization plugin for authorization check, the docker official document “Access authorization plugin” shows the details.


git clone

# make sure the speedle golang adsclient code is in your $GOPATH/src package.

cp -r samples/adsclient/go/src/speedle/ $GOPATH/src

# Get docker authorization plugin

go get

cd samples/integration/docker-integration

Executable speedle-docker-plugin could be found in \$HOME/go/bin

Run speedle

refer to speedle quickstart

Run docker and the plugin

  • First stop docker
sudo systemctl stop docker
  • Plugin must be run before docker. If the plugin is run behind a HTTPS proxy, set proxy first.
# sudo $HOME/go/bin/speedle-docker-plugin  <speedle host> <speedle name>
# e.g. if speedle is running on localhost with service name=docker.

sudo $HOME/go/bin/speedle-docker-plugin localhost docker
  • Run docker engine with plugin
sudo /usr/bin/dockerd --selinux-enabled --authorization-plugin=speedle-docker-plugin


  • Test if containers could be listed. Expected: denied, because service “docker” is not created.
docker ps
Error response from daemon: authorization denied by plugin speedle-docker-plugin:
  • Create a service and grant root to all resources.
spctl create service docker
service created

spctl create policy root-policy -c "grant user root GET,POST,PUT,DELETE expr:.*" --service-name=docker
policy created
  • Test if containers could be listed.
docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
  • Deny user root to list containers.
spctl create policy root-deny-policy -c "deny user root GET expr:.*" --service-name docker
policy created
  • Test if container could be listed
docker ps
Error response from daemon: authorization denied by plugin speedle-docker-plugin: